Join thousands of businesses who trust Equitykey to start an official company

Turn your idea into a reality today with Equitykey!

We are here to help you with your business needs!

Starting a company can be complicated.

We built Equity Key to make this easy.


Click on any Register your business button & Complete your order.


You will receive a confirmation email.

Complete the application form that you received in your email inbox.


Upload a copy of your ID document.


Business registration processing normally takes 3-5 business days to complete.

1152 +

Happy Clients


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5 +

Years Of Experience

Why should you register a company?

Your business is a whole separate legal entity. By registering your business you are protecting yourself and your business. It is acknowledgement as a legal entity.

You will have a lot more credibility if you have a registered business.

Easier to obtain a business loan to grow your business exponentially!

Access to payment gateways so you can actually get paid quickly and easily.

By registering a business you are already setting your business far apart from all your competition.

Frequently asked questions

What type of business can I register?

We can help you register any type of business.

Are there any monthly fees?

No, not at all it’s a once off price.

Can you help with accounting and taxes for my business?

Yes Equitykey is proudly a full licensed accounting business.

How long does it take to register my business?

We normally take anywhere between 2- 5 business days till we hand over all your certificates & documents.

Can I change my name or change the shareholders later on of my company?

Yes! We can easily help you change anything in your business.

Why should I register my company?

The main reasons primarily are to get access to payment processors so that you can get paid & to create a separate legal entity to protect yourself and your business in the world of law.

Get In Touch

Assistance Hours

Mondays to Fridays

8:30 – 16h30


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